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11 Date Night Ideas for Married Couples

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Does the back-to-school hustle of kids’ sports, homework duty, and prepping school lunches have you asking, “What do married couples do at night besides this?” You are not alone! I know you’re exhausted and wishing for alone time with your hubby, and I have just the solution for you! In this post, I will share date night ideas for married couples that will significantly refuel and recharge your marriage.

Couple holding hands on a date night.

This past spring, my husband and I realized our marriage was not thriving in the insane environment we were living in. Every night, we raced off to watch our kids play sports or spent our nights helping with homework and washing uniforms for the next day’s activities. It was all we could do to catch 30 minutes alone while snuggling up to watch our favorite show just before falling asleep on the couch.

couple falling asleep on the couch, desperate for a romantic date night

My husband and I decided it was time to make a change. We needed something simple to make us feel like a couple again and especially make us feel like each other’s priority. We made one simple change that made a huge difference. My husband and I simply went on a date!

two people snuggled up on a dock watching the sunset on a romantic couples date

It sounds silly to put so much stock in something so simple. But when was the last time you spent time with your husband without your kids, and really, I mean really, felt a deep connection? 

Ask Him on a Date

I made a conscious decision that we were going on a date. I texted my husband while he was at work and told him to be ready at 6:00!  It was the one night of the week we had at home. We were exhausted from work but somehow managed to muster up the energy to leave the house. With no ideas and no plans, we left. We just knew we were out of there!

As a result, we had a 3-hour dinner, one of my all-time favorite memories. My husband and I talked about the kids, work, our lives together, and what we wanted for our future. We hadn’t had a deep, meaningful conversation in months before this. It lit my soul on fire! 

a dinner date between husband and wife, finally enjoying a romantic date night

Since that night, we have sworn that date nights will become a regular occurrence in our marriage. We’ve had a lot of fun and have many more dates planned.

If you choose one of these date night ideas for married couples and go, you will be so glad you did! If you want to do something fun with your hubby, try Would You Rather Questions for Couples. I cannot believe how much fun and conversation this fun, light-hearted game has inspired. Check out my blog post for a list of over 100 questions for couples.

Date Ideas for Married Couples

Here are a few of my favorite date night ideas that will reignite any flame.

1. Pizza and Pool

What husband doesn’t love a wife who “attempts” to play pool? So many restaurants, bars, and dives have intimate atmospheres that are perfect for this. Pick a night of the week that you know will be quiet so you can take your time playing without feeling rushed or crowded out. This date night will make you feel like you’re in college again!

a couple kissing as they attempt to play a game of pool on their romantic date night out

2. A Night of Favorites

This is a fun way to let your hubby know he is #1, and you know him better than anyone. Pick his favorite restaurant and favorite late-night activity, or let him choose the night’s itinerary. He will feel special that he is the center of attention, which doesn’t often happen since the kids usually take that seat. 

A couple is playing his favorite pastime, an arcade game. This was his idea of a romantic date night out

3. Beer Tasting

I don’t know about your hubby, but my husband loves nothing better than an ice-cold beer, regardless of the time of year. Pick 2 to 3 local bars and Uber from bar to bar, sipping on local beers while you compare scorecards and choose your night’s favorite. Have fun naming the winning beer in honor of the night’s festivities! You will always have a place and a beer to return to for any date night that deserves a cold one. 

A couple is enjoying an evening of beer tasting.

4. Back Roading

We are from the rural Midwest, where backroading is a thing. You should definitely try this one if you’re not familiar with it! Pack a picnic and your favorite playlists and drive with no destination. Sing, laugh, reminisce, and stop for a picnic. Driving around can be one of the most fun and spontaneous dates. And you never know what will happen when just the two of you are in the car. (wink, wink)

a couple snuggled up on blankets in the back of an open SUV enjoying a stop during a road trip.

5. Coffee Date

This is a perfect date for intimate conversation and can happen any time of the week. It can also be a shorter date when your time is more limited. If you want a heart-to-heart and deep connection, this is a great place to do that. Coffee shops have an ambiance that encourages meaningful discussion. 

Romantic date night ideas for married couples #5 is enjoying an intimate conversation over a cup of coffee.

6. Stay In Movie Night

I know, it’s so predictable. But trust me,  if you are intentional, it will become a date night favorite. The first requirement is that kids MUST be in bed or, better yet, send the kids to the grandparents or with a babysitter. Having the house to yourselves for a few hours is glorious. Something about a good R-rated movie, homemade popcorn, and snuggling up on the couch is irreplaceable. No makeup is required for this date.

And making out at the movies has never been so much fun! This is probably my personal favorite on the list of date night ideas for couples. Because there is just something magical about a quiet house and the two of you alone, it is truly heaven on earth.

Romantic date night idea for married couples #6 is having a date night in, watching Netflix and eating popcorn.

7. Retail Therapy for Him

Does your husband enjoy the outdoors, golfing, etc.? What are his hobbies? Some of my favorite times with my husband have been strolling through home improvement stores and dreaming up projects or walking around Bass Pro for hours (okay, maybe not that long, but it felt like it.) Let him explore his interests and show that you are interested in him and what he loves.

#7 Romantic date night ideas for married couples includes a date night of retail therapy for him. A man browsing the racks of his favorite store.

8. Lunch Date

Sometimes, sneaking away from the office during the day to catch your guy for lunch is one of the best ways to make his day. If your evenings are booked and you can’t fit a date night in, try surprising him with lunch. Lunch is a quick way to get in some one-on-one time and start making the habit of dating a reality.

A fun lunch date is a great date night idea for married couples.

9. Fishing or Anything Outdoors

If your husband is anything like mine, he especially loves the outdoors, fishing, tinkering outside, and doing outdoor projects. Pick an activity that he enjoys and surprise him. He will be flattered by your sincere attempt at speaking his love language, and your efforts alone will wow him. 

A couple on the bank of a lake fishing, enjoying a date night.

10. Hunt for Local Treasures

Flea markets and antique store trips are a fun way to encourage laughter, conversation, and generally just a good time. If you haven’t hit up one lately, try this for your next date. You will be surprised how quickly time flies while you enjoy reminiscing and appreciating the nostalgia throughout the aisles.

Here is a picture of a flea market, perfect for an anytime date.

11. Bedroom Date

This is a favorite on the 11 Date Night Ideas for Married Couples list. How about planning a late-night date for the bedroom? Light candles, play music, and wear something special. The most important thing about this date is that you schedule it. Text him that day or discuss it before; ensure you both agree it is a date!

Regardless of what has happened that day or how tired you are, it is on the calendar. Scheduling a special night like this will help you connect deeply, find new ways to make time for yourselves, and prove that dating brings value to your marriage. 

Lastly, #11 on the list of date night ideas for married couples is a bedroom date. This is a couple making out in the bedroom.

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  1. I love these ideas! I love that as long as you’re intentional about it, you can make just about anything a date and get some quality one-on-one that we all so desperately need with our spouse.
    Thank you for doing the work and offering up these fun date night ideas because “I don’t know” is not a great way to start!

    1. Thank you so much for the positive feedback, Kacey! I look forward to hearing which idea you run with first! Enjoy your date! 😉

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